Pure water filtration equipment transforms outdoor window cleaning, providing a streak-free, spotless finish without the need for additional chemicals. Its efficiency not only enhances service quality but also translates to substantial time savings for window cleaners and businesses. Clients benefit from impeccable results, while professionals experience heightened productivity and streamlined operations.
It’s a fact that window cleaning prevent glass degradation. Dirt particles will enter the glass’ rivets, which then can contaminate and corrode the windows. Regular cleaning will ensure the windows continue to look and perform perfectly, helping to prevent small problems which could turn into bigger issues. Dirty windows can also affect natural lights to our home, and in soft water areas where water is low in minerals, the water can attract other contaminants, affecting residents’ mood and health.
What is Hard Water?
Hard water is water that contains high levels of calcium and magnesium. These minerals are naturally occurring and are dissolved in water as it flows over rocks and soil. The amount of hardness in water can vary depending on the location, with some areas having much harder water than others.
What is Soft Water?
Soft water is water that has had the calcium and magnesium minerals removed. This can be done through a variety of methods, including distillation, and reverse osmosis.
How These Different Type Of Waters Affect Window Cleaning?
When hard water is used to clean windows, the calcium and magnesium minerals can leave behind a residue that can be difficult to remove. This residue can cause streaks, spots, and a cloudy appearance on windows. In addition, hard water can also damage window frames and seals over time. Whereas, soft water does not leave behind any residue, so it is much easier to use for window cleaning. This means that windows cleaned with soft water will look clear and sparkling, without any streaks or spots. And, in addition, soft water is less likely to damage window frames and seals, so it can help to prolong the life of your windows.
So, using soft water can help you to get better results and improve the quality of your work as will leave your windows without any streaks or spots, therefore prolonging the life of your windows.